Draw with Pencil tool

When we want to draw a rough or a realistic illustration of such a beautiful picture with wavy lines, the pencil tool is a suitable tool to use.
Pencil tool is placed in the Tools panel with tools to edit Smooth and Path Eraser tools
With the pencil tool we can draw free form with a pull / drag the cursor to create a single path to the route we take with the cursor.
Pencil tool has the ability to create a unique line of unique display.

Unlike the Pen tool to create precise, super smooth lines but is difficult to control.
Pencil tool is much easier to use, but he draws a line that is far from perfect.
This is because the Pencil tool to create smooth points and corner anchor points.
If we choose the Pencil tool anchor point, two control handles will appear.

Before using the Pencil tool for the first time, we must change the paint style attributes to fill a vacant or none,
and stroke with black dots. If we make fill empty / none then it is time to draw with the Pencil tool will lead to a form that looks weird.
To select this setting, beginning in the colors near the bottom of the Tools panel Illustrator. Click the square contents and then click None (red
slash) box to ensure that the fill is None. Select the stroke (the rectangle described) and then choose
Black to ensure that the stroke has a black stroke. Choose Stroke Stroke window to display the
panel and then selecting a point from the popup menu list.

Draw freeform paths with the Pencil tool
Select the Pencil tool.
Position the tool where you want the path to begin, and drag to draw a
paths. The Pencil tool displays a small x to indicate drawing a
freeform path.
As you drag, a dotted line follows the pointer. Anchor points Appear
at both ends of the path and at Various points along it. The path
takes on the current stroke and fill attributes, and selected Remains
by default.

Draw closed paths with the Pencil tool
Select the Pencil tool.
Position the tool where you want the path to begin, and start dragging
to draw a path.
After you've Begun dragging, hold down Alt.
You do not have to position the cursor over the starting point of the
path in order to create a closed path; if you release the mouse button
in some other location, the Pencil tool will close the shape by
creating the shortest possible line back to the original point

1 comment for "Draw with Pencil tool"

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