Show Grid

Grid helps us in designing an image, allows us to determine the dimensions of the image.
Grid will be displayed behind / base artwork on illustration window, and will not be printed when you print.

To be able to use the grid, the steps we have to do is:
select View> Show Grid.
and to hide the grid, we can choose View> Hide Grid.

To snap objects to gridlines, Snap object serves to lock the position of the image size
select View Snap> To Grid, select the object you want to move, then drag to the desired location.
When the boundaries of the object comes within 2 pixels gridline, will be locked to the point.

If View> Pixel Preview is selected, the Snap To Grid Snap To Pixel turned into.
To determine the distance between the gridlines, grid style (lines or dots), the color of the grid, or whether the grid appears on the front or back of the artwork, select Edit> Preferences> Guides> Grid

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