The Graphics style palette Illustrator

Graphic style allows us to swap the object and see something quickly. At the moment we are designing, we can define the attributes of design that we created, such as thickness, stroke color, fill color, and the effect of other attributes.
When we create another design, and we intend to make that same attributes that the objects we have created, then for simplicity, we can store the entire set of attributes such as a definition, called Style. Once this style is stored in the Style palette, we can apply a set of definitions of these attributes in other objects that we want.
Through the style palette we can control every aspect of style, of which we can create and name the style, modify the style that has been stored, then apply that style to a selected object.
We also can remove the style palette that has not used anymore.

To display the style palette in Illustrator screen steps we have to do is:
From the menu Window> Symbols or Shift + F11.
We can also utilize the menu which is accessed by clicking the menu button on the top right corner of the palette style.
Style palette usually contains:
New Style, to define a new style.
Duplicate Style, to duplicate an existing style.
Style Merge, to combine the two definitions of style.
Delete Style, remove the existing styles in the styles palette.
Break Link to Style, to decide the relationship between objects that bear the definition of a style with his style. So if stylenya modified, the object which it decides the link is not changed.
Select All Unused, to select the Style that is unused.
Sort by Name, to sort a collection of styles in the palette in the order named.
Thumbnail View, displaying a collection of styles on a pallet in accordance with the thumbnail view.

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